Strangers In A Strange Land
30th October 2015
We will welcome our new colleague Dr Diana Yeh next week, but advance news of an event that she is organising in support of the development of an original stage play about the World War One Chinese labourers: Strangers In A Strange Land: The Art and Performance of the World War One Chinese Labour Corps.
The long buried story of the 140,000 Chinese labourers who lent vital assistance to the allied Great War effort is only now beginning to emerge. One striking element is the strong feature of art and culture in these men’s lives. They played musical instruments, sang songs, performed stories and dances, fashioned art out of abandoned artefacts and even bomb shells. Art, so often seen as the preserve of the privileged classes, played a huge part in the lives of these impoverished workers.
Guest speakers: Paul Bevan (SOAS/Oxford), Steve Lau (Ensuring We Remember Campaign), Nick Saunders (Bristol University), Frances Wood (author), Daniel York Loh (playwright).
On: 5th November, 5–7pm, At: SOAS, Room G3, SOAS, University of London, Thornhaugh Street,
Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG. The event is free of charge.
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