CCCI@40 Brown bag seminars
26th September 2015
The Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the MA in Culture, Policy and Management this year. As part of the themed activities we are renaming our staff seminars, and changing the time.
CCI Brown bag lunches- alternate Wednesdays 1-2 PM, A225. Bring your own lunch and come and hear about colleagues’ research- staff and PhD students welcome.
October 14th Jenny MBaye
October 28th Janet Merkel
November 11th Ana Gaio
November 25th Marisol Sandoval
December 9th Casey Brienza
January 27th Jo Littler TBC
Feb 10th Diana Yeh
February 24th Ros Gill or Debbie Dickinson TBC
March 9th Cecilia Dinardi
March 23rd Andy Pratt