Black Artists and Modernism
21st October 2016
Diana Yeh has been invited as a key participant in running a study day on the artist Li Yuan-chia at the Stuart Hall Library, London in November, as a part of the AHRC-funded Black Artists & Modernism (BAM) project.
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Diana Yeh has been invited as a key participant in running a study day on the artist Li Yuan-chia at the Stuart Hall Library, London in November, as a part of the AHRC-funded Black Artists & Modernism (BAM) project.
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International Asian Art in London event and documentary film
20th October 2016
Diana Yeh will be participating in the international Asian Art in London event in November by giving a lecture on the translocal art of Li Yuan-chia at the Richard Saltoun Gallery.
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Diana Yeh will be participating in the international Asian Art in London event in November by giving a lecture on the translocal art of Li Yuan-chia at the Richard Saltoun Gallery.
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Diana contributes to Footprints television documentary series
20th October 2016
Diana Yeh was interviewed for Footprints, a television documentary series, for Los Angeles based Phoenix Television, about her book The Happy Hsiungs: Performing China and the Struggle for Modernity (Hong Kong University Press 2014).
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Diana Yeh was interviewed for Footprints, a television documentary series, for Los Angeles based Phoenix Television, about her book The Happy Hsiungs: Performing China and the Struggle for Modernity (Hong Kong University Press 2014).
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BSA Race and Ethnicity Studies Workshop and Mentoring Scheme
16th October 2016
Diana Yeh was a discussant during a workshop co-organised by the BSA Race and Ethnicity Study Group and the BSA Postgraduate Forum. The event brought together early career researchers with more experienced researchers within the field of race and ethnicity studies and to launch the Race and Ethnicity Study Group’s new mentoring scheme.
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Diana Yeh was a discussant during a workshop co-organised by the BSA Race and Ethnicity Study Group and the BSA Postgraduate Forum. The event brought together early career researchers with more experienced researchers within the field of race and ethnicity studies and to launch the Race and Ethnicity Study Group’s new mentoring scheme.
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Li Yuan-chia Retrospective
4th October – 25th November 2016
Diana Yeh is curating the first Li Yuan-chia retrospective in the UK in fifteen years. Li Yuan-chia is an under-recognised artist, whose significance is currently being discovered, as a pioneer of ‘Chinese’ abstract and conceptual art, despite his translocal history.
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Diana Yeh is curating the first Li Yuan-chia retrospective in the UK in fifteen years. Li Yuan-chia is an under-recognised artist, whose significance is currently being discovered, as a pioneer of ‘Chinese’ abstract and conceptual art, despite his translocal history.
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‘Showcase’ Special Edition – Food & Art
3rd October 2016
Diana Yeh was interviewed by TRT World, Turkey’s English-language television broadcaster, for a special edition of Showcase, its flagship arts and culture programme, on the role of food in art.
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Diana Yeh was interviewed by TRT World, Turkey’s English-language television broadcaster, for a special edition of Showcase, its flagship arts and culture programme, on the role of food in art.
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